Junior Online Registration - Highfield Squash - the Squash Capital of The South.

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Junior Online Registration


Highfield Squash requests all parents / guardians to pay membership fees and lights fees via PayPal and not through cash as the use of cash adds greatly to the work of our volunteers. Junior Membership subscriptions can be paid here and lights fees here on the Juniors page.

Junior members are required to register through the club's Childrens Officer which can be done online below. Please note that in line with Safeguarding protocols we will not use the mobile or email of the junior but that of the parent / guardian.

I understand that photographs and videos may be taken during coaching, competitions or at sport related events and may be used in the promotion of sport and in accordance with current best practice.

I hereby consent to the above child participating in activities and visits of the organisation in line with Sport Ireland’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport.

In the event of the above junior's illness or injury, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child needs emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.

I confirm that to the best of my knowledge all the above information is accurate and that I will update where necessary.

Highfield Squash
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