Visitors Policy:
While Highfield welcomes visitors, members are not permitted to play visitors/guests during peak times of from 5:00 to 7:00 Monday to Thursday inclusive.
Non-members (visitors) are welcome to play in Highfield with a paid-up member but need to pay a once-off fee of €20 to cover the cost of Irish Squash Affiliation (incl. insurance). This fee will not apply to members of other clubs that allow visitors from Highfield free-of charge and who are already affiliated to Irish Squash.
After their third time of playing, visitors are required to join the club and the €20 will be deducted from the appropriate membership fee. (Again, this does not apply to members of other clubs - who have paid their Irish Squash Affiliation Fee).
You can pay the visitors fee opposite using PayPal but you need to contact the treasurer before you do this.